Senin, 04 Januari 2016

7 Ways Effective Chicken pox Scars

Smallpox is a disease that is easily and quickly transmitted. The chickenpox virus can easily spread through the air or direct contact with patients. The disease is easily transmitted when people are around have poor endurance.

This disease will only strike once in a lifetime, but the virus is extremely difficult to remove. Even when you have been convinced that this virus has lost virus actually hidden in the deepest layer of the skin. Therefore, sometimes there are up to experience more than one time in his life. The effects caused by the disease of the skin. For that I will be sharing a powerful way to remove scars chickenpox.

Here are some ways scars chickenpox:

1.            Young Corn
Young corn Peel, wash and grate and rub on skin exposed to smallpox.

2.            ripe noni fruit
Noni fruit puree that has been washed, can be shredded or in juice. Then take the water to drink twice a day.

3.            Aloe Vera
Take aloe vera gel or meat that is still fresh and rub on chicken pox scars and let stand until dry or absorbed properly

4.            Honey
Apply honey to taste on the skin that are regularly exposed to smallpox.

5.            Fruit lemon
Lemon fruit puree that had been washed clean and rub on a regular basis pockmarks area.

6.            Green Beans
Mashed green beans that have been soaked in cold water for over 7 hours emergency. Then put a little water in order to be like the cream and rub on area pockmarks let stand until dry.

7.            Coconut water
Rinse the fresh coconut water to the area pockmarks.

Chicken pox scars can also be removed using laser photo, ekisi, consume foods containing vitamin E and K as well as applying oil contains vitamin E.

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